Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation Announces Flagship Partnership with MaRS EXCITE

Today, the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI) and MaRS Excellence in Clinical Innovation and Technology Evaluation (EXCITE) announced a flagship partnership that aims to accelerate the adoption of new health technologies in the seniors’ care sector in Ontario.

This partnership will improve coordination between both organizations creating opportunities for select applicants to take advantage of the skills, resources, and knowledge available at both CABHI and EXCITE.

Thanks to our coordinated efforts, selected applicants are able to gain access to resources that help to more quickly commercialize clinically validated health technology solutions, which can otherwise seem difficult to achieve.

Through this new partnership, applicants to either CABHI’s Industry Innovation Partnership Program or the MaRS Excite Program may be provided with an opportunity to leverage CABHI funding and its national seniors care network to test and validate their solutions. Through MaRS EXCITE, successful applicants can connect with relevant health system stakeholders in Ontario to access adoption opportunities that promote wide-scale uptake of their innovation in the healthcare system.

By combining the best resources available at both organizations, participants in this partnership will move towards commercialization at an accelerated pace, and ideally bring significant change, and improvement, to Ontario’s healthcare sector.

For more information on CABHI’s Industry Innovation Partnership Program, visit the program information page.

For general inquiries please email: info@cabhi.com