uCarenet: Marketplace Helps Families Find Trusted, Affordable Home CareAn online platform matches families and point-of-care workers together 28 May, 2020 tagged I2P2 v1 / Aging in Place / caregivers / CareMap / online platform / point-of-care workers / uCarenet / Industry Innovation Partnership Program (I2P2)
The Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia AppWhat is the issue? Individuals with dementia are affected by the behavioural and psychological symptoms of their condition. […] 6 May, 2020 tagged Spark v3 / Cognitive Health / app / care delivery / dementia / long-term care / point-of-care workers / Spark
The Storycare Project: Enriching Healthcare for Seniors through the Use of ...What is the issue? Seniors living in long-term care can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. Research shows […] 6 May, 2020 tagged Spark v2 / Cognitive Health / e-learning / education / long-term care / point-of-care workers / storytelling / Spark
The Storycare Project: Improving Seniors’ Health Through StorytellingBuilding skills in storytelling, storylistening, and storykeeping 13 Apr, 2020 tagged Spark v2 / Cognitive Health / e-learning / education / long-term care / point-of-care workers / storytelling / Spark
iGeriCare: A Multimedia Online Educational Resource for CaregiversA cost-effective online dementia education program 13 Apr, 2020 tagged RCP2 v2 / Caregiver Support / caregivers / dementia / education / iGeriCare / point-of-care workers / web-based / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)
Linked Senior Platform: Increasing Recreation and Resident EngagementTesting Linked Senior, an electronic platform for recreational engagement 13 Apr, 2020 tagged I2P2 v1 / Cognitive Health / healthcare delivery / long-term care / point-of-care workers / recreation / seniors / technology / Industry Innovation Partnership Program (I2P2)
Be EPIC: Person-Centered Communication with People with DementiaHow do you improve communication between personal support workers and persons living with dementia? 29 Jan, 2020 tagged RCP2 v1 / Aging in Place / communication / dementia / healthcare delivery / point-of-care workers / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)
A Sound Approach: Enhancing Sound Environments in Long-Term CareReducing noise in long-term care improves care. 15 Jan, 2020 tagged Spark v3 / Cognitive Health / dementia / long-term care / point-of-care workers / quality of life / sound / Spark
Leveraging Bed/Chair Alarm Removal for Falls PreventionThe Bed and Chair Alarm Removal Resource manual helps point-of-care workers improve resident safety 23 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v1 / Falls Prevention / fall prevention / long-term care / point-of-care workers / quality of life / safety / seniors’ care / Spark
A Mobile App for Observing Dementia BehavioursHow can point-of-care workers improve care by better managing resident personal expressions? 23 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v2 / ER Avoidance / app / Dementia Observations / healthcare delivery / long-term care / point-of-care workers / responsive behaviours / Spark
Virtual Psychiatric CareCan mental health services for seniors’ be delivered through telemedicine? 20 Sep, 2019 tagged SOF v1 / Aging in Place / caregivers / healthcare delivery / mental health / Ontario Telemedicine Network / point-of-care workers / seniors’ care / Strategic Opportunity Fund (SOF)
Linggo: A New Communication App for Non-Verbal People with DementiaThe Linggo app helps people with dementia communicate better with point-of-care workers. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v2 / Cognitive Health / communication / dementia / Linggo / point-of-care workers / seniors’ care / Spark