uCarenet: Marketplace Helps Families Find Trusted, Affordable Home Care
An online platform matches families and point-of-care workers together
An online platform matches families and point-of-care workers together
What is the issue? Individuals with dementia are affected by the behavioural and psychological symptoms of their condition. […]
What is the issue? Seniors living in long-term care can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. Research shows […]
Building skills in storytelling, storylistening, and storykeeping
A cost-effective online dementia education program
Testing Linked Senior, an electronic platform for recreational engagement
How do you improve communication between personal support workers and persons living with dementia?
Reducing noise in long-term care improves care.
The Bed and Chair Alarm Removal Resource manual helps point-of-care workers improve resident safety
How can point-of-care workers improve care by better managing resident personal expressions?
Can mental health services for seniors’ be delivered through telemedicine?
The Linggo app helps people with dementia communicate better with point-of-care workers.