Reducing Caregiver Stress and Uncertainty with Critical Decisions Near End-of-Life through Virtual Advance Care Planning

Smiling female doctor showing elderly woman her charts

Award Date: 2021

Project Lead(s): Linda Lee

Project Title: Reducing Caregiver Stress and Uncertainty with Critical Decisions Near End-of-Life through Virtual Advance Care Planning

People living with dementia often have multiple complex medical conditions that limit their ability to express treatment preferences. Advance care planning discussions can reduce caregiver stress and uncertainty, while ensuring a patient’s wishes and values are honoured. Advance care planning has been particularly important during the pandemic since COVID-19 deaths have disproportionately affected people with dementia. To meet this urgent need, the project team has developed a virtual version of their tool Advance Care Preferences for Persons Living with Dementia. This updated tool is designed to help healthcare professionals conduct virtual care planning discussions with people living with dementia and their caregivers, or substitute decision makers, early in the course of their illness.