MouvMat: An Interactive Game Mat Designed for Older Adults

Award Date: 2018
Project Lead(s): Charlene Chu, Assistant Professor
Project Title: MouvMat: An Interactive Gaming Surface Designed for Older Adults
What is the issue?
Exercise games can be a fun way to stay active. But games like Nintendo Wii or XBOX Kinect are no longer available. There have been some studies on the use of these kinds of games by older adults, but they were small studies and only included men.
What did we do?
We investigated the idea of making an interactive game mat for seniors. The concept was to create a mat with a digital surface, like a yoga mat with a touch screen, lights, and sounds. Older men and women would play a game by stepping or tapping on the mat with a pointer.
After we created a prototype mat, we asked residents to try it out. We refined the design after collecting feedback from residents, staff, healthcare professionals, and recreational therapists. After several rounds of revisions and feedback, we had a working interactive game. It can play three simple and familiar games: Simon, a go-no-go task with two colours, and a go-no-go task with four lights.
What did we find?
Residents and executives, physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants, and family members really liked the interactive game mat. It encouraged fun physical activity and social interaction.