In-Home Activities Help People with Dementia Feel Happier

Award Date: 2018
Project Lead(s): Jenn Pruder, Social Recreation Coordinator
Project Title: In-Home Recreation Therapy Project
What is the issue?
Many seniors with dementia feel cut off from other people. Recreation activities may help keep their brains sharp, connect them with other people, and improve their quality of life. Caring for someone with dementia can be stressful for family and friends.
What did we do?
We offered hobbies and activities to 30 adults with brain health challenges and 44 of their family members or friends. A healthcare professional called a therapeutic recreation specialist designed a specialized plan for each person with activities that they could do at home. The professional met with each person and their care provider at home three times. At each visit, they collected information to see if the activities were helping people with dementia feel happier and more engaged. The Alzheimer Society London and Middlesex also offered active programs to these adults.
What did we find?
The recreational activities and resources gave the family or friends new information and confidence to help their loved ones in meaningful, stimulating ways. The adults with brain health challenges were happier with activities to do at home and having people to interact with. Friends and family had more energy, were in a better mood, and had a better sense of humour after the activities.