HeartWatch Pilot – Feasibility of broad use of a novel method of preventing dementia from stroke

Award Date: 2019
Project Lead(s): Paul Dorian
Project Title: HeartWatch Pilot – Feasibility of broad use of a novel method of preventing dementia from stroke
Many people suffer vascular dementia without knowing they had a stroke, since the regions of the brain responsible for language and mobility may not be affected. The HeartWatch is a low cost, non-invasive, long-term, and continuous method of detecting and recording heart rhythm data without the need for adhesive electrodes, wearer intervention, or complex monitoring systems. The goal of this project is to explore the technology’s ability to enable prompt detection of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and timely medical intervention to prevent stroke, and subsequent dementia. This technology can potentially help prevent the development and/or enable management of dementia since blood-thinning medications that are proven to reduce the development of dementia can be promptly prescribed when abnormalities are identified.